L. Francis Herreshoff design ‘Prudence’, cruising sloop
Collins American Dictionary describes the noun ‘Prudence’ as “care and good sense that someone shows when making a decision or taking action”. An apt description of the 22’9” wooden sloop, designed by L. Francis Herreshoff and described well in the designer’s book, “Sensible Cruising Designs”. Easily sailed, easily kept. A cabin larger than you’d expect from a boat this size. As handy as a daysailer / weekender as you may find.

Herreshoff ‘Prudence’ cruising sloop
Built: 2004, New Zealand Boatworks
Designer: L. Francis Herreshoff
LOD: 22’9”
Beam: 8’
Draft: 3’
Fittings: Bronze, handcrafted from Herreshoff’s drawings
Native Kauri (stable, durable, rot-resistant) used throughout, along with Tanekaha (strong and extremely rot-resistant) planking.
This boat has been used every season, and is in almost perfect condition